
1 Week 01

Jan 22

data, prediction, law

Lab Lab 1: Anaconda setup

Lab Lab 2: Intro to Jupyter Notebooks

2 Week 02

Jan 27

data structures

Lab Lab 3: Dataframe Operations & Simple Visualizations

Jan 29

summary stats (mean, s.d., distributions…), collection and cleaning of traditional survey data

Lab Lab 4: Probability Distributions, Bootstrap, and Confidence Intervals

3 Week 03

Feb 3

estimation & uncertainty, large N hypothesis testing

Lab Lab 5: Large n and hypothesis testing

Feb 5

Guest: Rebecca Wexler, Berkeley Law

“litigating predictive models (COMPAS), correlation, OLS regression regression and causal inference”

Lab Lab 5: Large n and hypothesis testing

4 Week 04

Feb 10

Prediction in policing

Lab Lab 7: Introduction to Folium (mapping)

Feb 12

SFPD incident report data and its application, machine learning models

Lab Lab 8: Folium Choropleth Maps

5 Week 05

Feb 24

Guest: Stephanie Croft, HRC Investigations Lab

predictive instruments and the decision to punish

Lab Lab 10: Folium Plugins

Feb 26

predictive bias–COMPAS

Lab Lab 11: Math in Scipy

6 Week 06

Mar 2

Guest: Prof. Hany Farid

more on COMPAS

Lab Lab 12: Regression for Prediction, Data Splitting

Mar 4

modeling risk, machine versus human predictions

Lab Lab 13: Model Selection

7 Week 07

Mar 9

a new physiognomy? thinking about what models are actually doing

Lab Lab 14: Feature Selection

Mar 11

allocation of resources and models

Lab Lab 15: Text Preprocessing

08 Week 08

Mar 16

surveillance, selection, and the ratchet effect

Lab Lab 16: Intro to Text Analysis (BOW)

Mar 18

remaining questions and discussion on predictions from “big data”

Lab Lab 17: Parse XML (Beautiful Soup)

09 Week 09

Mar 30

Guest: Isaac Dalke, Sociology

selecting into a dataset: thinking critically about what data are collected

Lab Lab 18: Regular Expressions

Apr 1

understanding how Old Bailey Proceedings data got made, content analysis of cases, outline of computational text analysis techniques

selecting into a dataset: thinking critically about what data are collected

Lab Lab 19: TF-IDF and Classification

10 Week 10

Apr 6

Marx, history, and law as indicator or constitutive

Lab Lab 20: Exploratory Data Analysis (feature extraction, visualizations, principal components analysis)

Apr 8

Guest: Dr. Lon Troyer, H5

Lab TAR and the legal profession

11 Week 11

Apr 13

the Old Bailey in its legal-historical context

Lab Lab 21: Neural Nets

Apr 15

wrap up on Old Bailey in its historical context

Lab Lab 22: Word Embedding

12 Week 12

Apr 20

Guest: Aniket Kesari, JSP

“text as social science evidence”

Lab Lab 23: Topic Models

Apr 22

Guest: Matt Cannon, JSP

text as social science evidence 2

Lab Lab 24: Sentiment: Morality

13 Week 13

Apr 27

text as social science evidence

Lab Lab 25: Ensemble Methods

10 Week 14

Apr 6

Marx, history, and law as indicator or constitutive

Lab Lab 20: Exploratory Data Analysis (feature extraction, visualizations, principal components analysis)

Apr 8

Guest: Dr. Lon Troyer, H5

Lab TAR and the legal profession

11 Week 15

Apr 13

the Old Bailey in its legal-historical context

Lab Lab 21: Neural Nets

Apr 15

wrap up on Old Bailey in its historical context

Lab Lab 22: Word Embedding